What is a Plumber?


A plumber is a person who installs, repairs and maintains plumbing systems. The primary aim is to provide drinking water to a building, to provide water storage, heating, circulation and drainage to a property. The Romans were the first to use plumbers in recorded history.

A plumber needs both training and experience in order to become a certified plumber. A qualified plumber should be able to read blueprint drawings, and should be able to plan a plumbing installation on the back of it. A plumber needs to understand a building’s layout in order to install a water supply and/or drainage system.

A plumber should be able to diagnose the cause of a problem, and offer a reasonable solution, even if a solution is beyond that particular plumber’s means. A plumber is expected to install and repair plumbing systems in domestic houses and commercial buildings. Some plumbers dedicate their careers to installing and repairing large industrial fixtures and large industrial systems. For example in a power station or sewerage farm, there is a great need for a plumber who knows and understands its plumbing systems and design.

A plumber is expected to be able to locate and mark positions for pipes, so that they may be connected to fixtures on the floor and walls. A plumber should also be able to measure and cut pipes. He or she should be able to bend pipes and manipulate them with his or her hands or power tools. A plumber is expected to connect and join pipes together using methods such as threading techniques, push-on techniques, and compression fitting techniques.

A plumber does need to be physically fit, or at least fairly strong, because plumbing jobs often involve a lot of lifting and pipe manipulation. A plumber is also expected to be very observant of health and safety protocols and laws, because plumbing can be a dangerous job.

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